Friday, August 25, 2006

Ten things that you love about your life

Being miserable about things in our life is the easiest thing to do in the world! Think about it. How many things can you name that you hate about your life? I can bet that you can list a 100 problems in the space of 5 mins. Car and house payments, gardening (maybe that's just me :) ), feeling underpaid at work or overworked, losing out in love, the situation in Iraq, et al. Now name 10 things that you love about your life.

Go on ... take your time.

Too hard?

I was astounded when I could not think of 10 things that I loved about my life. 10 measly things.... I mean even after I separated my family out to occupy one item each I barely got to 10. How many times do you count your blessings? How often are you happy for the fact that there are people you love that love you back? That you have never had to worry about starving or are in good health? That you never have to worry about scrounging for money to go see a movie or order in that pizza you love to feast on?

Why do I have so few things to be happy about? It was a question that I was only able to answer when the American Red Cross came to our office for blood donations. I volunteered at their booth to get a break from my office routine and then found out what I was missing. Giving. Giving without expecting back in return.

To cut a long, sappy story short, I signed up on the spot and donated a pint of blood as well. Maybe it was the lack of blood rushing through my body, but suddenly I fell in love with life again. The feeling of satisfaction I received from knowing that something that I take for granted everyday can be the difference between life and death for another.

Sure I've volunteered before. I've helped build houses, take pictures of dogs for the local SPCA, stood and run in mini-marathons for CRY, cancer etc etc.... but I always wanted something back in return. I realized when I gave blood that there is so much more to life than just taking all the time.

Today on Amit Varma's blog Indiauncut I read a post that directed me to this plea by Balaji. I followed the links until I got to the page where I learnt about the fate that awaited these patients for lack of something that I have no problem producing. I am going to make an appointment to see if I can help any of these people out in any way. I'm not saying this to make you think that I'm special. It is an indirect plea to everyone out there to start giving. Maybe you may not want to donate your blood or bone marrow. Do something else. Give without expecting anything back. Trust me. You won't need ten things to make you love life again.

P.S. To the guys. At the blood drive I got 8 telephone numbers from drop dead gorgeous girls that wouldn't have bothered to give me the time of day otherwise.

P.P.S Don't worry mom ... I didn't call them (yet! :))


Cloudy said...

Lovely post :) Strikes a chord with me... the only remotely unselfish thing I've done is volunteer to teach maths to a bunch of street kids. Did that some 7 years ago and I'm still gloating about it...

PS: Go on, give them a call ;)

Bharath Hemachandran said...


rams, I don't need anybody's permission to call yaar. Just thought it would be funny to write that up.

Unfortunately the type that gave me their numbers are not my type gorgeous though they were to look at.

Bharath Hemachandran said...

@cloudy : Thanks... my sister has the name as you do. Rams is my other sister... who has kindly decided to blog with me.

Btw I'm typing up the next game that you can put up on your post if you'd like.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bharath! I have clicked on your blog before, but just found it to be an interesting collection of articles/jokes/bits of trivia or news, but this blog is different. Its only sometimes that you sit and think about things this way.. and you have put it into words in a very heartfelt manner. Hopefully this is a source of inspiration for everyone (including me) to include random acts of kindness in our everyday lives

Bharath Hemachandran said...

Thanks yaar... much apri

Sumithra said...

I have donated blood once ..but the next time I went, they threw me out :-( (I'm supposedly 'underweight') I agree with you, 100%, nothing is more satisying than giving selflessly.

PS: Well, next time, lets hope you manage to get numbers from 'your type' gorgeous girls ;D

Bharath Hemachandran said...

@sunshine - well if you're underweight it's a big no no... though why it is for ladies... i do not know.

Balaji said...


A very good gesture Bharath. And you got it right...Giving without expecting anything in return..that definitely is one of the most hardest of things to do.

Anonymous said...

i appreciate the separating out the family thing, bro :D So did u give 'em a call? :D

Bharath Hemachandran said...

@balaji... not always, and yet most of us never do despite being in a position to do so.

Btw welcome to the blog. Hope you visit more often :).

Pratik said...

The intriguing part about all this is that we're taught such lessons as children. Somewhere along the way I've forgotten some of those.

A good thought none the less.

Anonymous said...

"Being miserable about things in our life is the easiest thing to do in the world!"

"Giving with out expecting any return"

Very well written !!!!!