Monday, March 27, 2006

The trials of owning a short Attention Span

It started out as a thought, germinated into an idea, blossomed into a full blown plan, sprouted roots into a concept and ended up in a state of vegetativeness. I suppose I would have had a better end to that statement. Indeed as I read it again it does sound very cute. Unfortunately my attention span does not allow me to embellish it with the finish that it deserves.

I started this blog in a fit of passion. A passion to share with the world my deepest thoughts, my nuances, my loves, my hates, my despairs, my glories. All the by-products of a mind bursting with the need for speed... umm.. I mean the need to shower the world with my knowledge.

Unfortunately I forgot that I had the attention span of a 3 year old. My mental state very often ends up in a state of complete and utter boredom. I suppose I should blame my genetics for it, yet, I don't see too many others that look like an extra-rice eater and yet, have the attention span of a water heater (sorry attention span did not allow me to come with anything clever).

I have perused the web hoping to churn out a topic to discuss on my oh so neglected blog. Alas! It was not to be! My attention span would not allow it.

So where was I? Oh yeah ... span of the attention. Very short.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heheh brat short attention span i say! no wonder we don't hear much from you!!!! your pardoned finally!!!!