Monday, March 27, 2006

How not to study for your .NET certification

Sometimes, when I sit in front of the computer forcing my brain to absorb the abstract concept of how to make two lumps of plastic communicate with each other, I long for that cycle shop that my dad promised me if I didn't study properly in my 3rd standard.

I suppose you have to repent for making foolish choices. If only Rowling had decided to forgo a fruitless career as a teacher and had written Harry Potter around 15 yrs earlier, I would have known that it is the choices we make that define us. Alas! It was not to be! Now the dreams of owning a cycle shop shall be passed on my kin in a take-it-or-leave-it spot decision. And if they are anything like me, they will have their entire life to repent the decision they take in the 3rd standard as well.

So the first step in successfully completing your certification is to not ponder about the foolish choices you have made in the 3rd standard.

I am currently in the process of kickstarting my .NET certification. I assiduously set the alarm for 3 am in the morning. The poor alarm does its duty faithfully and with rude health drags me from my lumber. I wake up in a state of shock which provides me that wonderful cushion of 5 minutes when the world is a wonderous blur of nothingness. A shell-shocked moment when I cannot hear, or, see anything that I do not wish to (including the alarm - all hardwired into my psyche).

Unfortunately life catches up to me and injects me with the dissapointment of having to stare at a third hand (I hope) set of Ikea bookshelves, with my blankie wrapped tightly around me. I break out of my blankie cocoon and stagger to my computer table. Turn on the monitor, and make a couple of exagerated yawns. I then realize that I am yet to shut the alarm, so I stagger over to my faithful phone and either:

* Blink until the screen becomes visible, congratulate myself for having woken up so early, set the alarm to 6:30 and go back to sleep, or,
* If by some miracle I do manage to stay awake, I find some excuse (my attention span to the fore!) to conveniently forget what I woke up for, browse the net, wonder why I was wasting valuble sleeping time, re-set the alarm and go back to sleep.

So as you can see the second step towards a successful completion of your certification would be to find some mode of stimuli that will get you up and keep you awake.

Making it past the second step involves a lot of dedication and at least a couple of glasses of water (preferably perched on top of your bed soaking it so that you cannot fall asleep again).

What next you ask?

I wouldn't know. I have never made it past the alarm sandtrap. :(

I will be sure to let you know when I make it past that stage. Do stay tuned for updates!

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