Monday, March 27, 2006

The other side of Outsourcing

I have always been a great fan of Thomas Friedman the writer. He has authored many articles that have won him worldwide acclaim.

Here is another fantastic documentary that aired on Discovery channel. I would personally like to extend my thanks to the person that posted this episode on Youtube.

In this documentary Thomas Friedman goes beyond the usual 5 minute spiel about outsourcing and how it has affected the US, and makes an in-depth investigation about how it has changed India: economically and culturally.

It was quite heartening and yet disheartening to see the economic and cultural impact globalization is having on India.

My heart warmed when I saw the optimism that bubbled from our youth. It seems that despite the evils and sandtraps set by our society and government, we still find a way to circumvent and succeed.

On the other hand, it was very sobering to look at the people that were being left behind by our uni-dimensional growth in select industries, which will leave millions behind.

Do watch The Other Side of Outsourcing

On the other hand, here is a funny movie made about outsourcing. I saw the trailer for this short film on another site, and followed it to its source.

Here is Call Center the movie (you will need to download the latest version of Flash player to view it)

It is hilarious!

Image courtesy of


Pratik said...

Damn dude .. that's too many posts to read at one time. I'll watch the documentaries once I get some time. I've been downloading a lot of documentaries myself from ... now if I only had the time to watch all those. :)

About fielding practice .... what fielding practice ... in fact, what practice?? I hope that clarifies the situation. :D

Pratik said...
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Anonymous said...

I would recommend everyone to read the book "The world is Flat" by Friedman. It is a very informative read.
